Celebrate the Summer Solstice with us!

Join me for a special online Summer Solstice gathering that will provide a sacred container for your beautiful big-S Self to blossom and grow. Also known as Midsummer, the Summer Solstice has been observed for thousands of years with festivities honoring the life-giving powers of the sun. The fire element is at its height and yang energy abounds in and around us. Who doesn’t love to play with fire? Whether you’re a seasoned solstice celebrant or just curious about this ancient tradition, you’re welcome to join in this special event.
Mark your calendar and get ready to welcome the summer season with open arms! Sign up today.

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Recent Reflections

Jesus the Nurse Log

Dear friends, In my recent Easter message at Jubilee! Community, I compared Jesus to a nurse log. In case that’s an unfamiliar term to you, nurse logs are fallen trees that offer seedlings nutrients and protection, creating the environment for a new generation. Fungi...

Join us for First Friday Meditation!

Mark your calendars! 🗓️ Join me for First Friday Meditation on Sep 1st at 9amET/6amPT/2pmUK for 30 minutes of guided meditation. Donate any amount for monthly access in 2023 and don't miss out on this opportunity for mindful calm and spiritual connection! Zoom room...

Sing Out!

I recently downloaded Merlin – the bird identification app from Cornell University. Sitting on my deck with the sound identification turned on, I love hearing the morning chorus with new ears – more attuned to the individual players in the symphony. One performer that...